Sunday, January 31, 2010

DP: Researchable Question [ Revised ]

Original Question:

Through an investigation in spatial design and packaging, how can a holistic, interdisciplinary experience be created for an ignorant majority, that encourages a new open-mindedness and appreciation for ethnic minorities in Kansas City?

Revised Question:

How can a new open-mindedness and appreciation for ethnic minorities in Kansas City be encouraged through the creation of an immersive experience, exploring collaborative practices, and various design disciplines?

Revised Revised Question:

How can a new open-mindedness and appreciation for ethnic minorities in Kansas City be encouraged through the creation of an immersive experience, exploring collaborative practices, and multi-disciplinary design; including but not limited to: spatial design, packaging, and interior design?

Revised Revised Revised Question:

How can a multi-disciplinary, collaborative approach yield a new open-mindedness and appreciation of ethnic minorities in Kansas City, through the creation of an immersive system exploring facets of spatial design, packaging, and interior design?

Another Question:

Which one???? :-/

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